Annual Profections Workshop

Friday, May 31, 2024 from 1-2:30 pm EDT
Cost: $85 
Deadline to register is May 28!
Learn how to work with the ancient time lord technique of annual profections in this fun, interactive workshop. All participants will receive a Zoom link and will be emailed charts/handouts in advance of the workshop. If you can’t attend live, not to worry, the recording will be delivered after the live presentation is complete.
During this session you will learn:
– What annual profections are and how to correctly use them
– How to time when promised events might unfold in a given year using transits with         profections
– How to orient yourself to the whole sign house system in order to effectively work with annual profections
– How you can blend ancient and modern techniques in every day Astrological practice
– How to successfully work with annual profections using real life example charts (past and present)
*Note* In order to register for this class you must be proficient in astrology through the level of studying transits.
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